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Level 4 Body Armor
Level IV body Armor
Predator Armor Level IV plates are constructed from a ceramic and aramid fiber blend and provide protection against armor piercing rifle rounds. Like all of our products, they are manufactured in the USA and are tested in an NIJ-approved laboratory to assure they meet or exceed NIJ Standards. These provide ballistic protection capable of stopping NIJ level IV threats. Protect yourself with the highest rating of personal body armor available on the market.
What Do Ceramic Plates Stop?
Level 4 (IV) armor provides the highest stopping capabilities available for personal body armor. Level IV ceramic body armor will stop large caliber and armor piercing threats, up to .30-06 M2 AP rounds. NIJ testing is performed at 15 meters: at that distance, our level IV plates will stop not only the M2 AP round but also: 7.62x39, 7.62x51 (M80), 5.56x45 (M193 and M855). If you are looking for maximum protection, then Level IV plates are your best option.
The chart below outlines the stopping capabilities of Level IIIA, Level III, Level III+ and Level IV body armor.
Ceramic Body Armor Construction
Ceramic plates are the most common type of Level IV body armor. The plates are made from a combination of a ceramic strike face with a backer made of aramid fibers or ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE).
There are three main types of ceramic materials used for the ceramic strike face: Alumina-oxide, silicon carbide, and boron carbide. Alumina-oxide is the heaviest and least expensive ceramic used. Silicon carbide is next on the list; it is harder than Alumina-oxide, but softer than boron carbide. It is also more expensive than alumina-oxide. Boron carbide is the hardest material of the three and the most expensive. It is commonly used on lightweight level IV plates. Boron carbide is very expensive in comparison with alumina-oxide.
The backer is made by pressing aramid or UHMWPE fibers. These materials are layered up and pressed under heat and pressure to create a solid lightweight plate. This same process is used for standalone Level III armor options - check out our Level III Poly plate. This type of armor is very lightweight and has great stopping capabilities. This process is also used for ballistic helmets.
Ceramic body armor works by breaking the round upon impact. The round is then caught within the backer plate. The ceramic strike face and backer help disperse the energy from the round and limits backface deformation as well. This combination allows the plates to stop high-powered rifles, as well as armor piercing rounds.
Is Level IV Body Armor Heavy?
The weight on Level IV plates can vary quite significantly. Ceramic plates have a few different components that can affect the weight of the body armor. First, you have the ceramic strike face. Depending on what material is used, the weight will vary. You also have the backer material - there are many different aramid fibers and/or UHMWPE materials that can be used. Each will have different stopping capabilities, weight and price.
What Plate Carrier Can Be Used With Level IV Body Armor?
When you choose a plate carrier, it is important to make sure that your armor will fit within that carrier - but also do so comfortably. You do not want your body armor bouncing around when you are trying to move. Predator Armor offers a variety of plate carriers that are capable of carrying Level IV plates.
The Minuteman Plate Carrier is designed for the modern day Minuteman: It is lightweight, modular, and adaptable. It is also simple to use and operate. The carrier is designed to fit most individuals with its ability to adjust sizing. It is also designed to carry most types of body armor that measure 10"x12". The carrier is a great choice for carrying your level IV plates or any other type of body armor.
All of our carriers and body armor are made in the USA with the highest quality materials. If you are looking for Level IV protection and a way to carry it with you, then we have the answers for you.
Are Level 4 Plates Multi-Hit Capable?
In order to be considered multi-hit capable, a body armor plate must stop multiple shots without failing. Whether or not a Level IV plate is multi-hit capable will depend on the materials and make up of the plate. Steel plates and polyethylene plates are multi-hit capable and able to take multiple rounds without failure issues. The only problem is that you can't get to a Level 4 body armor rating with just steel or UHMWPE. Ceramic is prone to breaking and once the ceramic strike face is broken the plate is much more susceptible to failure. This leads to many Level IV plates not being multi-hit capable. It is a one and done with a lot of Level 4 body armor. That being said there are multi-hit level 4 plates available, in fact Predator Armor's Level IV plate is multi-hit rated. Different types of ceramics and the way that the plate is put together will allow the body armor to be multi-hit rated or not. We offer the maximum value with our Level IV plate: multi-hit rated, lightweight, and affordable. We use a few techniques to help allow our Level 4 plate to withstand multiple rounds. If you are shopping for Level IV body armor make sure to read up and see if the plate is multi-hit rated. You need to go no further than right here, go buy our Multi-hit rated Level 4 body armor.
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