Level IIIA Body Armor Packages
Level III Body Armor Packages
Buying Body Armor in a package
Why Armor Bundles?
When most people think of ballistic body armor, they think of bulletproof vests. The reality is that most body armor applications consist of several parts and gear pieces; each tailored for very specific use. There are many different types of armor applications in the form of hard and soft armor plates. These armor plates are each rated to stop various projectile threats. The other vital piece to an armor system, apart from the protective plates, is a plate carrier; a means to carry and stow armor plates in a secure and efficient manner.
Predator Armor offers package discounts where you can purchase a quality plate carrier with armor inserts that will fit perfectly.
Choosing Your Body Armor System
When choosing Body Armor, the best advice is to choose the armor that is rated to stop your most probable threat. How do you determine your most probable threat? Well for most American's, handguns pose the highest danger as they are far more commonly used in violent crimes. In fact, studies on firearm related homicides suggest that handguns are used nearly 20 times for every 1 time a rifle is used.
With this in mind, most would want to consider Level IIIA Soft Armor, especially if concealable capability is important. Level IIIA can be worn under heavy shirts, jackets, & suit coats and is rated to Level IIIA protection rating. That means it will stop all common handgun calibers from 9mm to .44 Mag (which is the official NIJ Rating).
If you live in more rural areas, rifle and full sized guns are more in common use. This might mean that you would want to choose armor that would be rated to stop higher caliber guns, such as Level III & Level III+. The main difference for these armor plates is that they are hard armor inserts, typically made of steel, polyethylene, or ceramic. Body Armor rated to Level III & Level III+ will stop higher caliber rounds, but the tradeoff is you lose the ability to easily conceal that type of armor. (See Armor Ratings Below)
Armor Ratings - Options Overview
Level IIIA Body Armor
Typically referred to as 'soft armor', Level IIIA is an official NIJ Armor Rating and meant to protect against all common handgun calibers, from .357 to .44 MAG.
Pros: Very lightweight, concealable, and flexible. Users can discreetly wear with out any encumbrance on physical activity.
Cons: Does not protect against higher velocity rifle rounds.
Level III Polyethylene Body Armor
A revolutionary breakthrough in the Body Armor world, Polyethylene Body Armor is the best of both worlds when it comes to weight-to-protection ratio. Weighing in at only 3.5lbs, Poly Armor will protect against Level III rated rifle rounds, including 7.62x51 M80Ball, 5.56x45 M193, and 7.62x39, as well as all of the pistol rounds that Level IIIA armor will stop.
Pros: Extremely Lightweight and offers protection against Level III rated threats.
Cons: Poly armor is typically thicker than other armor in its weight class, usually just over 1" thick.
Level III Steel Body Armor
The strongest Level III armor on the market, this armor also falls under the NIJ Standards for Protection. However, it's capabilities don't stop with the NIJ expectations and will meet and exceed almost all of its Level III competition.
Pros: Strong and durable, capable of taking multiple hits and maintaining stopping capability.
Cons: Weight, and doesn't stop or contain fragmentation.
Level III Steel Body Armor with Kevlar Wrap
Boasting the same protection capabilities as Predator Armor's Level III Steel Armor, however this armor option comes with a proprietary kevlar wrapping which sole purpose is to contain and mitigate fragmentation. Fragmentation, or Frag, occurs when a projectile explodes upon impact with a hard surface, sending shrapnel in all directions. This can cause serious and permanent injury to an individual wearing body armor that does not have some type of frag mitigation solution.
Pros: Strong and durable. capable of takin multiple hits and maintaining stopping capability. Mitigates Fragmentation.
Cons: Weight
Level III+ Steel Body Armor
Level III+ is not an official NIJ rating, so within the market there are variances in what exactly Level III+ represents and what its stopping capabilities are. Rest assured, this Level III+ is the king of all Level III+ body armor. But don't just take our word for it. Check out our library of independent reviews as well as a few tests we've done ourselves, including shooting it with a .50 Cal.
Pros: One of the strongest steel armor options available on the market. Durable and capable of taking multiple hits and maintaining its stopping capabilities.
Cons: Weight, and doesn't stop or contain fragmentation.
Level III+ Steel Body Armor with Kevlar Wrap
Boasting the same protection capabilities as Predator Armor's Level III+ Steel Armor, however this armor option comes with a proprietary kevlar wrapping which sole purpose is to contain and mitigate fragmentation. Fragmentation, or Frag, occurs when a projectile explodes upon impact with a hard surface, sending shrapnel in all directions. This can cause serious and permanent injury to an individual wearing body armor that does not have some type of frag mitigation solution.
Pros: Strong and durable. capable of takin multiple hits and maintaining stopping capability. Mitigates Fragmentation.
Cons: Weight